Dual use WEEE ruling goes live

Move had been slated for January 2016 but change is being pushed through immediately.

The Environment Agency has told WEEE reprocessors and producer compliance schemes to ensure that any dual use WEEE is now counted as ‘consumer WEEE’. This is in line with the Department for Business Innovation and Skills revised ruling on classifications.

Definitions of household and non-household WEEE were amended in October after the UK’s classification of household and business WEEE was found to be at odds with that held by the European Commission.

The difference centred on the interpretation of dual use WEEE, which includes items such as PCs or television screens, which could conceivably be used in business or by consumers. In the UK, the definition was also qualified by the quantity of WEEE being presented for collection.

The new definition is in line with that held by the European Commission and states that any WEEE of a similar nature to that presented to householders, regardless of how much is presented, should be classed as household WEEE.

BIS has said this will apply for producers placing new items on the market from Jan 2015, but in a note to schemes last week it said the ruling will be applied with immediate effect.

When the new definition applies from 2015, it is expected that producers who are currently placing new products onto the market classed as business EEE, but whose products could be deemed as dual use, would have to classify these products as B2C.

James Champ

Head of Compliance

Following a career in the legal industry, James joined us back in August 2012 and has undertaken a variety of roles in account management, compliance and scheme operations.

He now holds the role of Head of Compliance where he is responsible for ensuring Ecosurety and its members are compliant across the packaging regulations. James has a black belt in lean six sigma and uses his experience to improve operational efficiencies and enhance Ecosurety’s role in supporting producers with their compliance responsibilities.

Written by James Champ Published 10/11/2014 Topics Compliance

Useful links

Q3 2023 WEEE data shows promising collection figures

The recently published Q3 collection data indicates a steady progression toward the annual target, currently reaching 76%.


UK on track to meet annual WEEE collection targets

In the second quarter of 2023, the WEEE collection figures show that a total of 118,953 tonnes of WEEE has been collected from households across April – June, which is a 3% increase compared to Q1 collections.


Promising WEEE collection figures released for Q1 2023

Across the first quarter of 2023, a total of 120,433 tonnes of household WEEE has been collected, showing a slight increase of 562 tonnes compared to WEEE collected in Q1 2022.


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