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Packaging data analytics

Access the data insights you need to make decisions on packaging. Available to all our members, understand your submitted EPR data, compliance obligations and estimated CO2e impacts. Don’t make a decision without it.

Understand the PRN market

Our PRN market analytics tool lets you understand how the packaging PRN market performance impacts your compliance costs and our buying strategy. Useful for internal reporting and updates with your team, including:

  • Individual material performance

  • Daily, quarterly and YTD average prices

  • Updated daily

  • Available online to all members


Understand your EPR obligations

Our EPR obligation analytics tool helps you explore your data submission like never before, to understand your packaging portfolio, obligations and compliance costs. Slice and dice your data to:

  • Explore packaging by material, format, type, class etc

  • Understand how your packaging impacts your EPR obligations

  • Explore how obligations change over time

  • Available online to all members


Model your future EPR costs

Our EPR cost modelling analytics tool explores how future scenarios may impact your packaging EPR financial obligations. Useful for planning strategies, budgets and for internal reporting.

  • Understand what packaging will impact your EPR costs the most

  • Model changes to packaging amounts, PRN prices and EPR fees

  • Explore low, medium and high cost scenarios

  • Available online to Advanced and Premium members with detailed data


Inform your packaging strategy

Our premium Packaging analytics tool provides deep-dive data insights to understand and drive improvements to your packaging. Essential analytics include:

  • Deep-dive detail on all your packaging

  • Analyse by supplier, product family, EPR cost per unit and more

  • Identification of data gap areas to improve

  • Available online to Advanced and Premium members with detailed data


Explore estimated CO2e emissions

Our Estimated packaging CO2e emissions analytics are available as part of our Packaging analytics tool and identify your packaging with potentially the highest Greenhouse Gas (GHG) impact up to point-of-sale. Focus your investigations with key insights:

  • Estimated CO2e emissions of your packaging

  • Explore by product, component, material, supplier and more

  • Based on official government GHG conversion factors

  • Available online to Advanced and Premium members with detailed data


Ecosurety have enabled us to monitor and improve our sustainability metrics while meeting our legal obligations.

Dan Pass
Written by Dan Pass
Logistics & supply chain lead at Ann Summers

Request a demo

Our analytic tools provide essential data insights that you'll depend on. Request a demonstration with our team to see for yourself, including insights on:

  • PRN market performance

  • Your EPR and PRN cost drivers

  • Forecasts of your future EPR costs

  • Detailed packaging portfolio analysis

  • Missing component, product and supplier data

  • Your estimated packaging CO2e emissions

Request a demo

Get the knowledge

Knowledge resources are also available to all members. Understand how you’re impacted by Extended Producer Responsibility, what you need to do and how to improve.


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Want to find out more? Explore the pages below:

Be compliant 1248x800

Be compliant

Access flexible support for packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) and international compliance regulations.

Explore compliance services

Optimise future compliance

Make future compliance easier. We recommend improvement actions to optimise your compliance performance and reduce non-compliance risk.

Explore review services

Save time with data collection

Remove the pain of gathering and managing complex packaging data. Our online Collect platform powers our packaging data collection service – all backed up by our expert team.

Explore data collection services