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We are a B Corp

We joined the B Corp movement in 2020 and we’re committed to making a positive impact on all our stakeholders.

Using business as a force for good

Certified B Corporations are businesses that value people and planet at the same level as profit. They don’t just talk about positive change. They stand united by high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

The power of B Corp lies in the process. Business governance and the impact on workers, community, the environment and customers are rigorously audited. Successful B Corps continually improve and set the standard.


We’ve been a B Corp since 2020. It naturally fits with our purpose and ethos as a business and continues to push us further every day. Our commitment to value people and planet is written into our articles of association, and it breathes through everything we do. It also encourages us to inspire others to join the movement. We speak at events, share our progress and help other organisations take their first B Corp steps.

Find out more below about what B Corp means to us.

Our B Impact score

Our 2024 recertification boosted our initial score of 83.8 to a new high of 100.2. This was made possible by a raft of new measures implemented since our first B Corp certification.

We introduced a new policy that prioritises environmentally low-impact procurement, and we set science-based targets to address climate change. Our data services are also helping more producers to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging.

We also improved wellbeing support and work flexibility for our team. And we increased the amount of time we volunteered for good causes.

B Corp is a journey, not a destination. We are fired up to improve.

Read more about our B Impact score

Supporting the Better Business Act

The Better Business Act advocates for businesses to be legally obligated to operate in a manner that benefits their stakeholders - including workers, customers, communities and the environment - while seeking to deliver profits for shareholders.

It is transforming business, so that every single UK company takes ownership of its social and environmental impact.

As a purpose-led organisation and a B Corp, supporting the Better Business Act is a no-brainer. We encourage others to do the same.

Find out more about the Better Business Act

Ecosurety is clearly committed to a journey of continuous improvement - their significantly increased B Impact score in 2024 is testament to this. Their strong commitment to being a force for good in the world guides decision-making throughout the whole organisation.

I have no doubt that their persistent hard work will see even more impressive achievements by their next recertification in 2027.

Sally Burtt-Jones
B Leader and founder of 11TwentyTwo Ltd

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Want to find out more? Explore the pages below:


Our purpose

We’re laser-focused on driving meaningful change. Find out why we exist, what makes us different and why you should work with us.

Explore our purpose

Net zero

We've set an ambitious target to be net zero before 2030. Find out more about the steps we're taking to reduce our carbon footprint.

Explore our net zero commitment

Carbon Literate Organisation

We're an accredited Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) because we're committed to fighting the climate crisis.

Explore our CLO accreditation

Read our impact report

Since 2017 we have published an annual impact report that transparently details our performance to accelerate change and positively impact the environment, communities, and our people.

Ecosurety 2023/2024 Impact Report