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Our purpose

We’re laser-focused on driving meaningful change. Find out more about why we exist, what makes us different and why you should work with us.

We're a packaging compliance scheme with a clear purpose - to rid the world of unnecessary packaging.

It drives everything we do. It pushes us to make a better impact, to challenge the status quo and to seek opportunities for positive, meaningful change.

On a daily basis we help identify how to reduce the impact of complex packaging portfolios on producers and the planet, using existing EPR data. It’s why we developed our market-leading data analytic tools, available to all our members.

We’re dedicated to improving recycling and facilitating the shift from single-use to reusable packaging. We do this by driving innovation on the ground, directly supporting new initiatives and instigating impactful cross-industry collaborations. We remain wholeheartedly dedicated to this approach as it means we can collaboratively act beyond legislation. It produces much-needed results and informs future government policy.

We also work hard to ensure the regulations deliver positive change, for all involved. Producer responsibility is tightly regulated and continues to evolve to new heights of accountability for those placing packaging on the market. We’re part of the government Advisory Committee on Packaging and were selected by DEFRA to help create the new Packaging EPR Scheme Administrator.

Our own sustainability commitments are strong too. We’ve been a B Corp since 2020, and while it does not define us, it continues to drive the positive impact we make on people, planet and communities. We’re driven to achieve our ambitious Net Zero by 2030 target and we’re a certified Carbon Literate Organisation, but again, it’s not just a badge we wear. We’ve developed our own Carbon Literacy training to help packaging producers understand and act on the climate crisis, and I’m honoured to personally deliver this training to our members.

Above all, when people ask me what makes Ecosurety different, one thing really stands out - we're an authentic, purpose-led team and collaboration is in our DNA. It’s how meaningful change happens.

I hope you feel inspired to work with us. We’re ready when you are.

Will Ghali
Will Ghali

Our sustainability

Learn more about our Net Zero commitment and status as a B Corp and Carbon Literate Organisation.


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Want to find out more? Explore the pages below:


B Corp

We joined the B Corp movement in 2020 and we’re committed to making a positive impact on all our stakeholders.

Explore our B Corp accreditation

Our policy influence

Everything to do with producer responsibility is shaped by policy. That’s why we’re at the forefront of policy to influence, advise and guide.

Explore our policy influence

Our team

We have an authentic, purpose-led team and collaboration is in our DNA. Find out more about the people who make Ecosurety unique.

Explore our team

Read our impact report

Since 2017 we have published an annual impact report that transparently details our performance to accelerate change and positively impact the environment, communities, and our people.

Ecosurety 2023/2024 Impact Report