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Recyclability Assessment Methodology

Understand and get support to apply the Recyclability Assessment Methodology (RAM) to your packaging under the EPR regulations.

What is the RAM?

From 2025, large producers obligated under packaging EPR must conduct a recyclability assessment using a Recyclability Assessment Methodology (RAM), for all the household and commonly street-binned packaging they handle.

The results must be reported to government and will be used to modulate Waste Management Fees, with difficult to recycle materials and packaging formats attracting higher fees from 2026.

The packaging recyclability assessment and resulting fee modulation are intended to encourage a shift towards sustainable packaging practices, by evidencing the impacts of packaging choices and, where appropriate, product considerations.


Who is impacted?

Your organisation may be required to apply the RAM to your packaging and report the results if you are classed as a large producer under packaging EPR.

Are you obligated?

Your organisation will be required to apply the RAM to your packaging if you:

  • Have a business, subsidiary or group with a UK presence

  • Have an annual turnover of £2m or more

  • AND are responsible for more than 50 tonnes of packaging per year

  • AND place on market household or commonly street-binned packaging

What do you need to do?

If obligated, you must apply the RAM to your household and commonly street-binned packaging and report to government whether your packaging is classed as:

  • Green - ‘Widely recyclable’

  • Amber - ‘Recyclable but needs specialist infrastructure’

  • Red - ‘Difficult to recycle’

This must be reported twice a year as part of the existing packaging EPR data submissions.

Access RAM knowledge resources

It’s critical that you get to grips with how the RAM impacts your packaging as soon as possible, at a component level. This is so you can report accurately to government on time, and plan improvements to the recyclability of your packaging. Depending on your packaging portfolio, this can be a complex undertaking.

All of our members have access to extensive online knowledge resources to help them get up to speed quickly and understand the detail they need to report against now, including:

  • Understand the basics of the RAM and modulated fees

  • Webinars with member Q&As

  • Material-specific RAM guidance articles

  • RAM frequently asked questions

Check out our RAM knowledge support
RAM knowledge resources

Benefit from recyclability assessment support

We will provide our members with a range of RAM data submission support that is aligned with our existing EPR support levels, making it as efficient as possible for you.

It is important to understand that no matter the level of support we provide with your recyclability assessment, you will be responsible for assessing your packaging correctly. But do not fear - we'll optimise the process to make it as efficient as possible and will always direct you to the relevant support guidance as required.

Contact us to find out more

Mitigate the impact of fee modulation

If you want to mitigate your EPR costs, our advisory team are here to help. We can work with you on a range of projects, focusing on packaging strategy, cost modelling or helping you to assess the impacts of eco-modulation.

It’s never too late to start - improved packaging can result in a lower environmental impact, reduced EPR costs and a great story to communicate to your customers.

We'll help you get there.

Mitigate the impact of ecomodulation

Go beyond compliance

Don’t just comply. Access all the support you need to optimise compliance, save time and improve your packaging.

Explore packaging insights

Gain packaging insights

Explore exclusive online knowledge resources. Dive into analytics and insights fed by your packaging EPR data. Identify how to improve packaging sustainability and reduce its impact on your business.

Explore packaging insights

Optimise future compliance

Make future compliance easier. We offer a choice of reviews to assess your business activities, data health and processes. Our reports will recommend SMART improvement actions to optimise your compliance performance and reduce non-compliance risk.

Explore how to optimise future compliance

Save time with data collection

Remove the pain of gathering and managing complex packaging data. Our online Collect platform powers our packaging data collection service – all backed up by our expert team.

Explore data collection services

Improve packaging sustainability

Access bespoke data insights and advisory services to improve your packaging sustainability. Complete Carbon Literacy training and voluntary producer action to move the dial.

Explore packaging sustainability

We are here to help you

Choose the level of help you need – from light touch to comprehensive support. We’re your trusted compliance partner.

Benefit from a wide range of services and support to help you go beyond compliance:

  • Assistance with packaging EPR, RAM, PPT, DRS and international regulations

  • A choice of data submission support and membership benefits

  • Services to optimise your compliance

  • Data collection and management to save time

  • Competitive PRN procurement

  • Data insights to understand and improve your packaging

  • Bespoke advisory services to improve packaging sustainability

Explore becoming a member

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