
Dedicated lobbying, proactive support and industry focused expertise to represent our members' interests

Proactively engaging with industry

Policy really matters to us. Rather than just acting as another cog in the system, we continually work hard to help make improvements to the recycling industry as a whole, ensuring that compliance obligations really do make a positive impact. We constantly have our finger on the pulse and make compelling arguments to Government and regulatory bodies around the core need for greater transparency in the regulatory systems.
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An essential part of my role is to respond to an ever-increasing demand for information and feedback among producers, recyclers and industry bodies, as well as from the Government, over key issues such as exporting waste, single-use plastics, the circular economy and compliance legislation.

For the past 13 years we have been dedicated to helping companies navigate the waste and recycling regulations, and we now represent the interests of many of the most recognisable brands in the UK.

We work with them directly on industry consultations, as well as ensuring that they receive excellent customer service and value for money, no matter what their size. We are also present on many influential working groups including The UK Plastics Pact set up by WRAP, in an advisory role.

We are convinced that the UK has the potential to radically change and improve the way resources are managed through extended producer responsibility, to ultimately maximise UK recycling as a result, and we will always be at the forefront of that conversation.

Robbie Staniforth, head of policy

Supporting the delivery of the Resources and Waste Strategy

Released by Defra in December 2018, the Resources and Waste Strategy is the first major waste policy intervention for England since 2011. The strategy outlines plans for a broad range of measures that will assist the move to a more circular economy, including a plastics tax, deposit return scheme, strategic ban on some types of single use plastic and an overhaul of existing producer regulations across packaging, WEEE and batteries.
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There are number of key government consultations, outlined in the timeline below, that provide an opportunity for industry to input into the upcoming environmental policy changes.

Ecosurety will be responding to all relevant consultations on behalf of our members after careful consideration and discussion with our stakeholders. All our consultation responses will be published on this page and we often also present these via online webinars before the consultation deadlines.

Read more about the launch of the Resources and Waste Strategy.

Read the latest consultation outcomes published July 2019.


Resources and Waste Strategy timeline

Contributing to the packaging EPR consultations

You can request our full 2021 consultation responses for the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging and a Deposit Return Scheme.
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Collaborating with industry groups and associations

We actively participate in, and in some cases chair, a number of key industry groups that represent the interests of the compliance, recycling and producer industries.
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Packaging Scheme Forum

Established in 2018 by Ecosurety and 44 other registered packaging compliance schemes, the Packaging Scheme Forum (PSF) provides a broad voice to foster open and collaborative dialogue between industry bodies and government to help improve packaging compliance regulation and enforcement in the UK. Ecosurety head of policy, Robbie Staniforth, was the inaugural chair of the PSF.

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Ecosurety is a member of The UK Plastics Pact, an initiative launched by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) and the Ellen MacArthur foundation to tackle the issue of plastics in this country.

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