Our strategic impact meetings pull together stakeholders across the industry including producers, reprocessors, industry bodies, trade associations and government. The meetings focus on a wide range of topics including:
The meetings provide an essential forum to share vital information and insight, helping to form a cohesive thought process and response to government consultations. This has been vital to ensure DEFRA are provided with the best expert industry intelligence and thinking around how a future packaging compliance system could optimally work, for example.
Occasionally something occurs that sends shock waves through the compliance industry. The strategic impact meetings provide an essential forum for all stakeholders in the system to voice and share concerns. For example, our WEEE focused meetings enable producers and recyclers to discuss and knowledge share insight around the POPs and DTS issues that impact so many.
Exciting connections are made between key recyclers we have partnered with and our members. Many have now developed their own relationships and realised opportunities to further invest and direct their recycling evidence money towards increasing UK capacity and tackling challenging materials.
Through the sharing of our involvement in key education and innovation projects such as #InTheLoop and Polytag, our members, industry experts and reprocessors are able to get involved too and many have explored further opportunities that these projects have presented.
The strategic impact meetings provide unrivalled opportunity for essential cross-industry discussion and debate, with the opportunity for all present to explore and scrutinise the market forces at play. This has never been more important, with packaging producers facing the most turbulent and volatile period of price fluctuations over the last couple of years, for example.
Paul Irwin-Rhodes, SHE and external affairs manager, Greggs
Jon Brookes, Head of partnerships, Ecosurety
If you think you should be involved in our strategic impact meetings too, please contact our team.
The WEEE compliance fee creates a central pot of money that can be awarded to initiatives that directly promote the collection of WEEE. Since launching in 2017, the fund has generated over £10 million to support increased recycling and reuse of waste electricals in the UK.
Our participation with the WEEE Fund kicked off with a contribution to a communication workshop in April 2019, alongside electrical and electronic products manufacturers, retailers, DEFRA representatives and NGOs, to identify and agree on consumer engagement activities that would improve e-waste recycling rates.
Throughout the year we have provided support to the WEEE Fund team by sharing our experience of the WEEE market, as well as our learnings on consumer awareness campaigns and education projects we have initiated over the past few years for various waste streams that could help inform future communication campaigns that target e-waste.
We will continue to support the WEEE fund with our time and insights as they finalise their strategy and roll out their communication activities planned in 2020.
Stephanie Housty, Marketing manager, Ecosurety