One of the biggest barriers with regards to improving packaging in the construction industry is the supply chain - once a product leaves the factory or warehouse, manufacturers have nothing to do with it.
Across the sector there’s poor data and a general lack of understanding of the issue. Herein lies the problem - as without more knowledge, it’s difficult to develop scalable solutions for reducing single-use packaging in construction and managing it better.
Working with project partners, Cullinan Studio, Bankside Open Spaces Trust, Mace and Morgan Sindall, the ZAP project links with real-world construction projects. This enables it to build valuable case studies and offer training and guidance that will demonstrate the positive actions the whole supply chain and sector can do.
It is hoped that this will help the construction industry eliminate all 'avoidable' plastic waste by 2042 and many organisations reach zero ‘avoidable’ waste by 2050.