The strategy details government’s plans to tackle climate change by decarbonising all the UK’s economy, to meet the 2050 net zero target.
Published on 19 October, the Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener comes after the 10 point plan for a green industrial revolution, set out last year, which described how the UK might sustainably recover from the impact of COVID-19 ‘at the forefront of the growing global green economy’.
The strategy builds on the above and describes routes to decarbonisation and net zero by 2050, with sector specific policy proposals for emissions reductions.
For instance, it reiterates government’s commitment to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 and that, by 2035, the UK will be entirely powered by green electricity.
£295m fund for separate food waste collections

In terms of resources and waste, the strategy promises to "explore options for the near elimination of biodegradable municipal waste to landfill" by bringing forward a £295 million capital fund. It is planned that this will allow local authorities to prepare for the implementation of separate food waste collections, as directed in the Environment Bill.
The publication also refers to the 25 year environment plan, where commitments were made to eliminate all avoidable waste, including plastic, and to double resource productivity.
Environment secretary George Eustice said: "Today’s plans set the UK on a clear path to net zero by 2050 and demonstrate how we will harness the power of nature to get there."
"As well as restoring and protecting peatlands and increasing tree planting, we are determined to grow towards a net zero economy. Whether it’s funding to help farmers decarbonise or support to deliver a circular economy to cut down on waste, we will support sectors to adapt."
The strategy will be presented to the UNFCCC as the UK’s second Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Strategy, as mandated under the Paris Agreement.