Championing native wildlife through our 2018 CSR project

British ancient woodland is the richest habitat for wildlife in the UK, providing a home for many hundreds of species of animals and plants.

However, a shocking 98% of British woodland has been destroyed due to climate change, urbanisation and intensive agriculture. Our native wildlife and natural habitats are now seriously under threat.

That is why this year Ecosurety has partnered with The Wild Place Project in Bristol to support their Bear Wood appeal as part of our 2018 'Change For Good' Corporate Social Responsibility project.

'Bear Wood' is an exciting new development due to open in summer 2019. The aim of the project is to protect and evolve a habitat for once native species and animals that are slowly becoming extinct; European brown bears, European wolves, Eurasian lynx and wolverine. 

The project will also be aimed at inspiring and educating future generations to protect our biodiversity, and who knows, maybe the next Dame Ellen MacArthur or Sir David Attenborough will find their inspiration as a result!

So how exactly are we getting involved? Ecosurety is offering support, volunteers and fundraising for the Bear Wood appeal, and we will also be working with local school children. Whilst Bear Wood is still under development, we have already started engaging local schools to kick-start the educational benefits of the project.

Working with future generations in the local community

We teamed up with staff and pupils from Woodstock School in April to give pupils (and staff!) a fun and educational experience at The Wild Place.  As well as enjoying the beautiful outdoor space and interacting with the animals (including wolves and giraffes), the children played various educational games and undertook challenges, all aimed at teaching them about the importance of preserving our biodiversity and the devastating impact humans can have.


Ecosurety Bear Wood Project


Woodstock school work with some of the most disadvantaged young people in the area and the staff were delighted to have the opportunity for the pupils to take part in an experience such as this, as part of their commitment to ensure inclusive quality education for all and to promote lifelong learning.


Ecosurety Bear Wood Project


The ethos and values behind the project fit perfectly into Woodstock's Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural educational program as well as the PSHE and science curriculum. Wendy Yeo, Head of KS2 at Woodstock School  commented that the pupils were certainly a "happy bunch on their return, all very excited and had had a wonderful day".


Bear Wood Project


A second day working with Gateway School, the secondary school linked with Woodstock, will take place later in the year with similar themes, but with an added geographical element as the physical development of Bear Wood will by then have begun taking shape. We certainly can't wait!

Rolling our sleeves up

The Ecosurety Team have also been getting stuck-in helping the Wild Place project to develop areas of their site to allow precious resources to be focused towards the Bear Wood appeal. 


Ecosurety Bear Wood Project


Over two days in May and June, 20 Ecosurety staff spent the day at The Wild Place helping to build the foundations for the new educational buildings at the site, amongst other tasks, which generally involved breaking a sweat lifting, hammering, sawing, chopping, and picking!


Ecosurety Bear Wood Project


It was very hard, physical work but a worthwhile contribution to a wonderful cause, not to mention great team building, and lots of laughs (and a few tears)!


Fundraising part 1: The Three Peaks Challenge

A key part of our support for the Bear Wood Appeal is of course fundraising, with a specific focus on investing in the education of the local community and children from all over the South West regarding conservation and environmental issues. We have a big target to raise £10,000 throughout the year, which will furnish a school classroom on site at Bear Wood.

As phase one of our fundraising efforts, an intrepid team of 12 Ecosurety employees are braving the National Three Peaks Challenge at the end of June to climb the three highest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales - Scafell Pike, Ben Nevis, and Snowdon - all within 24 hours! Gulp.


Snowdon Mountain

Snowdon in North Wales

It's certainly going to be tough but something the team are very excited to undertake. If you'd like to support us and help us to hit the fundraising target, please click here!

Fundraising part 2

And that’s just for starters. For the next phases of our fundraising efforts, when we're done with conquering mountains, we will be hosting two very special events later in the year working with local business and many of our members. Watch this space for more details!

If you'd like to find out more about our 2018 CSR project and how you can support it too, please contact our team.

Jon Brookes

Partnerships Director

As Partnerships Director, Jon is responsible for overseeing the Client Services, Business Development, Marketing and Sustainability teams. Building strong relationships with industry partners and our members, Jon’s ultimate goal is to find collaborative ways to deliver shared value, and take action that accelerates positive change in the world of packaging.

Written by Jon Brookes Published 19/06/2018 Topics Ecosurety

Useful links

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