EA Enforcement Undertakings pass £1Million this year

More than £880,000 from the £1Million total has been donated to environmental charities for breaches in the Packaging Regulations, according the latest figures released by the Environment Agency. 

Enforcement undertakings or civil sanctions were introduced in 2011 to help incentivise companies to come forward proactively when they identify non-compliance.

Although they cover many different environmental breaches, the vast majority of money that flows through this medium is due to breaches in the Packaging Regulations. Prior to this, the only option available to companies was prosecution.

Convenience retail chain Costcutter Supermarkets Group Ltd has made the largest donation ever after failing to meet its packaging waste obligations, with the retailer donating £650,752.48 to the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

23 other organisations also made enforcement undertakings including ASOS.com, Ecover Limited and Sofology Limited, with the average donation being over £10,000.

Charities benefiting so far this year from the donations include The Woodland Trust, The Marine Conservation Society, The Canal and River Trust and various regional wildlife trusts.

Ecosurety has helped a number of companies calculate their avoided costs, successfully completing enforcement undertakings to the Environment Agency. If you think you require help with an enforcement undertaking or civil sanction, please do get in touch with our team on 0333 4330 370 or email info@ecosurety.com.

This latest Enforcement Undertakings report can be downloaded here.

Richard Hodges

Key account manager

As key account manager Richard helps our largest clients manage their legal obligations under Packaging, WEEE and Batteries legislation. His background in economics helps our members manage their budgets and strategically procure evidence.

Written by Richard Hodges Published 04/10/2017 Topics Packaging

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