Ecosurety helps ecopreneurs with startup success

The ethos of change for good flows throughout Ecosurety, and now we’re helping others start up businesses that have a positive social or environmental impact. 

It’s fair to say that we’ve learnt a lot about business development, innovation and the environment over the years, so we decided to embark on a 12 week Launchpad programme to help seven local social entrepreneurs to accelerate their businesses discovery through a programme called Ecocelerate.

Over the past three months, I've been facilitating weekly sessions on business model innovation in Bristol, using the latest Lean Startup principles that are more commonly associated with Silicon Valley tech startups. We've worked through the nine building blocks of a scalable startup and focused on customer interviews to refine product-market fit.

From 3D printing techniques using plastic waste to generate filament, to online will writing for those without access to solicitors or new techniques for stabilising broken bones, we’ve covered a range of diverse products and services, each with a social or environmental impact.

Celebrating achievements

Today we are celebrating the achievements of our intrepid founders as the first Ecocelerate cohort comes to a close. At a special event in Bristol we will learn directly from each founder what they’ve discovered – their biggest challenges and successes as they've battled to find a scalable business model and survive the difficulties of starting up a purpose-led business in today’s climate.

At the event, we'll also be exploring some of the course materials and signposting to the latest techniques for starting up any new venture, whether it is a standalone company or a new product or service line in an existing business.

Watch this space for more information and stories from the ecopreneurs – this is just the beginning of many exciting journeys!

Steve Clark

Non-Executive Director

Steve established Ecosurety in 2003 in response to the lack of flexibility, innovation and customer-focus in the compliance scheme market. He took inspiration from the mobile phone market, which continues to provide a diverse range of pick-and-mix options for the customer, and built the original business on a commitment to provide flexible, friendly and tailored support for all clients.

He is passionate about bringing the latest business concepts from other markets and industries and applying them to the environmental sector for the benefit of clients.

Written by Steve Clark Published 11/11/2016 Topics Ecosurety

Useful links

Ecosurety sponsor the 2024 Carbon Literate Organisation Awards

We are delighted to be the headline sponsor of the Carbon Literacy Project’s annual award ceremony, which will celebrate a record-breaking number of organisations receiving Carbon Literate Organisation accreditation.


Ecosurety continue to step up for refill and reuse

Working at Ecosurety for the past five years, my proudest moments have come from collaborating with those just as passionate about driving change towards a more environmentally and socially sustainable world as us.


Ecosurety renews B Corp™ certification with flying colours

Four years after our first B Corp certification, we have been recertified with a B Impact Assessment score above 100.


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