Unconfirmed Q1 packaging recycling data shows surprise results

Figures generated on the NPWD website show some interesting results, if they turn out to be correct once validated by the Environment Agency.

After a positive start to 2017, this could be more good news for the UK as it appears recycling has increased. Comparing the total amount of PRNs issued across all packaging types, it looks as though over 100,000t more PRNs have been issued this year compared to the same period last year, with several major recyclers yet to report.

Total PRN issued across all materials in UK

Source: https://npwd.environment-agency.gov.uk 

While it is important not to look too closely into these figures as the report is automatically generated and could contain data entry errors, it is interesting to see the amount of plastic that has been accepted or exported. The plastic export problems widely reported in Q1 may not have had as significant an impact on figures as anticipated. The figures suggest a 38% increase in the amount of plastic exported when comparing Q1 2017 to the same period last year.

The picture will become clearer through the course of May, once official figures are released. However, as an early warning indicator, it looks as though packaging recycling is increasing in the UK. 

To discuss how this news may affect your packaging compliance, please contact our team on 0333 4330 370 or email info@ecosurety.com.

Robbie Staniforth

Innovation and Policy Director

Robbie is innovation and policy director at Ecosurety. Having spent years building an intimate understanding of the industry’s policies and politics, he uses this knowledge to help shape new legislation and oversees Ecosurety’s growing portfolio of cross-industry innovation projects including Podback and the Flexible Plastic Fund. He has worked closely with Defra during the most recent packaging consultations, outlining the impacts and required transitional arrangements of the UK’s new EPR system and is a member of the government’s Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP). He is also a spokesperson for the company and regularly uses his influence to communicate the importance of environmental responsibility to external stakeholders.

Written by Robbie Staniforth Published 24/04/2017 Topics Compliance

Useful links

Q2 2024 recycling data shows strong performance in H1

The unverified Q2 2024 recycling figures released by the Environment Agency indicate strong recycling performance, with all materials exceeding 50% of their recycling obligation. Here's our review of 2024 H1 performance.


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Being Carbon Literate empowers you and your organisation to make better decisions to reduce carbon impacts and communicate to stakeholders about carbon more confidently. Our course is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project and has a specific focus on the impacts of packaging.


Carbon Literacy for the packaging sector training - 01/11/24

Being Carbon Literate empowers you and your organisation to make better decisions to reduce carbon impacts and communicate to stakeholders about carbon more confidently. Our course is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project and has a specific focus on the impacts of packaging.


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