Defra opens applications for EPR scheme administrator steering group

Defra have recently opened applications to join the scheme administrator (SA) steering group for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

The establishment of the EPR SA, which will be responsible for crucial activities such as managing local authority waste management payments and evaluating how ‘efficient and effective’ the services are, has been long awaited.  

Anecdotally the fact one has not been established may have contributed toward the decision to delay waste management fees until October 2025, and government had originally stated an administrator would be appointed by late 2023.  

The announcement states that in the period before fees start being charged in October 2025, an ‘interim administrator’ will be in place for 12 months. The steering group will advise and shape future governance arrangements around EPR before the establishment of a formal administrator. It will also comprise of a range of 12 industry actors from producer groups to ‘three trade associations…[and an] environmental non-government organisation’.  

Defra have previously stated that, after legal advice, the SA would have to be procured exclusively from the public sector due to its key role in disbursing funds to local authorities. However, the consultation currently live regarding the EPR main statutory instrument suggests some industry involvement may be introduced to carry out other key functions. 

If you are interested in joining the steering group, please email Defra for the full application information pack. The deadline for applications is 23:55 on Tuesday 3 October 2023.

Written by Louisa Goodfellow Published 26/09/2023 Topics Packaging
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