After much delay, government have published their response to the second round of consultations on reforming the packaging producer responsibility system that closed last June.
The consultation responses were originally planned to be released late last year but for various reasons had to be put on hold. The first set of consultations was released just over two years ago, in line with commitments made in the Resources and Waste Strategy.
Industry have been eagerly awaiting the government response, as clarity surrounding how the system will move from the current framework of producer obligation – also known as the ‘PRN model’ – to one of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is crucial for preparations, despite announcements that the system will be delayed by a year to 2024.
EPR sits alongside two other keystone policy proposals under the packaging reforms – a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS), and consistent recycling collections – detailed government responses to which are yet to be released.
Below is a summary of the key decisions taken by government on packaging EPR and information about a new consultation they have also released:
Key government decisions on packaging EPR:
The full government EPR consultation response can be downloaded here.
Indicative EPR timeline
2022 – An EPR statutory instrument for data reporting is laid down by Defra and passed, ahead of new reporting requirements in 2023.
2023 – The EPR statutory instrument is passed and producers report their packaging data under the new requirements. The scheme administrator begins preparatory work.
2024 – Local Authorities will begin to receive funds for collecting and treating packaging waste, based at first on general material categories. By this point, the scheme administrator is fully operational and the modified PRN system begins. Small producers between the two thresholds will begin reporting. Recyclability assessments for modulated fees become necessary.
2025 – Modulated fees become fully operational. Compliance schemes become re-approved, dependant on EPR criteria.
2026 – Likely the last year of the tweaked PRN system. Mandatory labelling is introduced for packaging with the exception of films and flexibles.
2027 – Films and flexibles will have to be collected by local authorities and will be obligated under the labelling system.
Key DRS announcements
The EPR consultation summary also includes announcements on the DRS, a form of EPR that will accompany the main reforms.
New PRN consultation
A new consultation has also been published alongside the responses to the EPR consultation, that asks stakeholders what reforms to the PRN system should look like during and after the transition to EPR.
The consultation focuses on a number of key areas, including:
The PRN consultation can be found here.
Robbie Staniforth, Innovation and Policy Director, says of the response "The summary shows that UK Governments have taken a pragmatic approach to improve the packaging recycling system in the UK. The incentive to recycle for packaging reprocessors has been retained for the immediate future ensuring that producers of packaging can have a direct impact on recycling."
"We hope that the modifications to the PRN system outlined in the accompanying consultation will drastically improve the current system and lead to higher recycling rates in the UK."
Innovation and Policy Director Robbie Staniforth and Policy Advisor Louisa Goodfellow will present a free webinar at 1.30pm on 11 April to provide an overview of the official EPR consultation response by government. They will explain how producers will be impacted and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end. Book your place here.
Meanwhile, at 1.30pm on 25 April, Robbie, Louisa and Group Procurement Manager Sandeep Attwal will present a free webinar provide an overview of the new PRN consultation. They will explain how producers and reprocessors will be impacted and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end. Book your place here.
Ecosurety has a suite of data services that can help you prepare for their obligations under new legislation, including EPR, the Plastic Packaging Tax and the DRS.
By utilising powerful data analytics, you can fully understand your packaging portfolio, be prepared for more complex reporting requirements and make strategic decisions now that can reduce your liabilities in the future. Contact our team to find out how we can help you.