Six months on - the sustainable investment that keeps on giving

Six months on and we are proud to still be contributing to positive change in people’s lives through DEKI.

In January this year, ecosurety took part in the ‘DEKI Tenner Tournament’, a challenge to turn a £10 note into as much money as possible, with the proceeds being loaned to microfinance entrepreneurs in developing countries.  The money is typically used to supported extended family and positively impact on the community.  

Six months on, we are proud to still be contributing to positive change in people’s lives with our initial £3,783.57 raised going on to fund over 50 loans. The loans have been awarded to hard-working individuals who have been able to achieve lifelong goals with a little financial help that would otherwise not be available to them. We are proud to have raised this money and we are equally astounded by the changes that have been made possible through the measly £10 that started our challenge!

Our initial donation is kept in a continuous loop and being able to watch one sum of money continue to fund change for so many different people has been enormously rewarding. Here is just one success story...

Eleanor’s tale - a recycling success story in Soweto

One entrepreneur, who has since received microfinance and whose story particularly tugged at our heart strings, was Eleanor Hlathuka from Soweto, South Africa.

Eleanor a DEKI success story

Eleanor, a 57 year old mother of eight, was seeking a loan of £410 to increase the scale of her recycling business.

She buys, sorts and sells recycled items and wanted to find a way to increase her flow of recyclables without having to go through a middle man.

When asked what impact receiving a microloan would have on her family’s wellbeing she replied, “Our son is doing grade 12, this money will enable him to go to university next year and live a better life”.

Eleanor’s loan has ultimately given her the ability to send her children to school and provide them with improved opportunities.

Having read Eleanor’s story, ecosurety ensured that her loan was fully funded back in February 2015. We are thrilled to be able to contribute to improving the circumstances of somebody whose work has such a beneficial impact on the community and the environment.

Bryony Spooner, director of marketing and communications at DEKI commented “ecosurety did an amazing job during the month long challenge. They raised more money than any other team and currently hold the ‘Deki Tenner Tournament Trophy’. This will stay with them until another teams beats their record. Please get in touch if you are interested in taking on the challenge!”.

If you are interested in supporting DEKI and transforming the lives of others, you can join as an individual, purchase gift vouchers for loved ones or even hold a tenner tournament of your own.  See www.deki.org.uk for more information.

Olivia Green

Key account manager

Olivia joined Ecosurety in October 2014 as a Graduate account specialist. Now, as a key account manager, her role involves working with our members to provide support across all aspects of the company.

Written by Olivia Green Published 24/08/2015 Topics Ecosurety

Useful links

Record-breaking volume of aluminium recycled in 2023

In 2023, 162,357 tonnes of aluminium packaging were recycled in the UK (68%), including more than four in five beverage cans (81%).


European Parliament introduce regulations to improve packaging sustainability

On 24 April, the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) was approved, introducing new measures to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste within the EU. 


Provisional agreement reached on the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

A provisional agreement has been reached on the EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).  


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