The Q3 results for 2021 show that the UK collection target is on track to be met, but the usual disparity of battery types remains.
The results for the amount of batteries placed on the market and those collected for recycling for the third quarter of this year continue to show promise that the UK is well on track to meet the 45% recycling target. Collections of portable batteries decreased only marginally compared to Q2 and it would appear that the annual target will be exceeded.
The recycling target would currently require 17,420.747 tonnes of waste batteries to be treated, meaning overall we have so far reached a 42.25% collection rate with only a further 2.75% to be attained by the end of this year – amounting to around 479 tonnes, less than 10% the amount collected in Q3.
2021 Q1-Q3 batteries placed on market (tonnes)
2021 Q1-Q3 batteries collected (tonnes)
This said, the tonnage received at approved battery treatment centres decreased by 78 tonnes in Q3 compared to the previous quarter and, as always, there was a large discrepancy between lead acid portable batteries reported as placed on the market in Q3 (414.3 tonnes), and what was actually collected (3,611.4 tonnes).
The consultation on reforming the battery producer responsibility system is scheduled to be released early next year, and a top priority will be addressing the over-evidencing of lead-acid types, amongst other reporting anomalies.
The lack of certainty that comes with an indicative target based on in-year placed on market figures is also an issue that will likely be tackled next. The uncertainty means compliance schemes do not know their actual obligation until the end of the year, in turn causing issues related to over or under evidencing.
We have thousands of battery collection points across the UK. To discuss how we can help you set up the infrastructure to collect batteries from your retail stores or offices, please call our dedicated collection team on 0333 4330 370 or send an email to