The excellent MetalMatters campaign is a well established consumer awareness programme run by Alupro that aims to increase metals capture in specific geographical areas.
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Making sure all this metal is captured for recycling is incredibly important. As a material it can be recycled endlessly and transformed from packaging into products and back again.
The environmental savings of recycling compared to producing virgin metal is significant.
Local waste collection vehicles and buses were also branded with the campaign to ensure that there were multiple opportunities to see it outside the home too.
The MetalMatters campaign is core to our belief that people will recycle more if they are educated about the reasons why it is important, and what happens to the waste they place in their recycle box.
During the last quarter of 2017, metals capture in Bristol increased by 6.6% compared to 2016. For a material that experiences monthly fluctuations in capture rates, trends can be difficult to ascertain and an overall increase is certainly a positive result. Undoubtedly this campaign has provided valuable learnings for future consumer awareness campaigns.